Hiking: Easy access to the Ray Pic Waterfall

Ms/Mrs Angélique Brioude

Parking d'accès à la


07450 Péreyres

Telephone : 04 75 36 46 26


This simple out-and-back itinerary will allow you to quickly access several wooden pontoons to admire the majestic Ray-Pic waterfall, a must-see volcanic site in the Ardèche! Forest trail with several steps for access.

The impression left by the main jump of the Ray-Pic waterfall is striking. The water, rising forty-five meters high, seems to be accompanied by the movement of a shower of basalt, like a second cascade of hexagonal rock blocks. To the black colour of the stone meets the white of the foam. This splendid site shelters one of the rare waterfalls of the Ardèche that flow all year round. Two belvederes overlook the waterfall, allowing you to discover it from every angle. The geological history of the formation of these basaltic organs is equally astonishing. It is the story of an extinct volcano and a rising waterfall… You will discover this history in the interpretation area, at the start of the access path to the two belvederes. It will reveal that the basalt flow of the Ray-Pic volcano is one of the longest in Europe: 21 km from Pont-de-Labaume! If you feel like it, you can also spot along the Fontaulière and Bourges the basalt organs that dress it in black in places. To follow them is to go back in time.

Departure/Arrival: Reception area of Ray-Pic, parking access to the waterfall on the D215 in Péreyres, the trail leaves behind the presentation space of the site.

Attention, swimming is strictly forbidden at the Cascade du Ray Pic.
The trail, very well marked and secure, will make you walk through 3 lookouts offering breathtaking views of the gorge and the waterfall.
Start by taking the path that starts on the right at the end of the reception area.
➤ After a short climb, a first wide view of the Fialouse section allows you to understand the site (belvedere of the Rock). Take the path that then begins to descend into a wood towards the waterfall. You will have several steps to climb and then descend.
➤ You then have the choice between the belvedere of the waterfall (straight) that will bring you higher and in profile compared to the waterfall or the belvedere of the gorge, on your left, which will make you descend lower but will offer you a more global view of the site and the main waterfall of the Ray Pic.
We recommend that you do so. When you get to the last lookout, retrace your steps.

Période d'ouverture

All year round.

Facilities / Interests


Péreyres - Quick access Cascade du Ray Pic


Pets welcome




Pedestrian sports
Hiking itinerary
Free access.





Latitude : 44.789853

Longitude : 4.262105

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Source des données

APIDAE - L'information touristique

Données mises à jour le Mar 21, 2024 00:30:44